Wells Fargo REO FAQs
Q. Where can I find Wells Fargo REO Listings?
A. The complete inventory of REO homes owned by Wells Fargo can be found on their REO property search page. The search form allows for filtering properties based on price range, city, state, bedrooms and bathrooms.
Q. What is the phone number for Wells Fargo REO Department?
A. One can call the REO support at Wells Fargo on this number: 866-518-2164. They are available for any of your queries related to Wells Fargo REO properties M-F, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Local time (Nationwide).
Q. What is the e-Mail address for Wells Fargo REO Department?
A. pasagents@WellsFargo.com
Q. How can I receive alerts for Wells Fargo Owned REO homes?
A. In order to receive customized REO listings based on your desired criteria, Wells Fargo offers free subscription services. Go here to subscribe. This service provides you immediate alerts, saving you many visits to the Wells Fargo REO property search page.
Q. Can I make an offer on a REO home owned by Wells Fargo?
A. Wells Fargo only accepts offers submitted to them through the REO listing agent assigned to the property. So one should contact the property agent inorder to make a purchase offer.
Q. Does Wells Fargo provide financing for purchasing a REO home owned by them?
A. Home buyers interested in buying a REO property can contact Wells Fargo’s mortgage consultants at 1-877-937-9357 for information regarding their financing.
Q. How to become an Wells Fargo approved REO listing agent?
A. A real estate agent needs to get approved in order to become eligible to list Wells Fargo REO properties. An agent or broker should contact REO support at the contact info given above.
Q. Who conducts auctions of Wells Fargo foreclosed repo homes?
A. A few select properties are auctioned by their chosen vendor: Hudson & Marshall. The auctions are either run on their website or at a physical location. Visit the website of Hudson & Marshall or call them at 1-800-441-9401 for more info.